How to Create Debian Packages

To create Debian packages, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Debian directory:

    $ mkdir debian
  2. Initialize the changelog:
    Create a changelog for your package by running the following commands:

    $ dch --create
    $ dch --append
    $ dch -v1.2
    $ dch -r
  3. Edit the control file:
    Use a text editor to modify the control file in the debian directory:

    $ vim debian/control

    Example content for the control file:

    Source: pony
    Maintainer: Sascha Dewald <sdewald (at)>
    Architecture: any
    Package: pony
  4. Copy rules from dh_make:
    Copy the Debian rules file to your debian/rules:

    $ cp /usr/share/debhelper/dh_make/debians/rules.dh7 debian/rules
  5. Edit the rules file:
    Modify the rules file:

    $ vim debian/rules
  6. Create source directory:
    Make a source directory in the debian folder:

    $ mkdir debian/source
  7. Specify source format:
    Edit the debian/source/format file:

    $ vim debian/source/format

    Add the following line:

  8. Check the package with Lintian:
    Run the Lintian tool to check for errors in your package:

    $ lintian pony_1.0_amd64.changes
  9. Check for more information:
    Use the -I option for more detailed output:

    $ lintian -I pony_1.0_amd64.changes


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