
Git Workflow for Humans

*Nice Project*:   http://www.git-legit.org/

$ git switch <branch>
# Switches to branch. Stashes and restores unstaged changes.

$ git sync
# Syncronizes current branch. Auto-merge/rebase, un/stash.

$ git publish <branch>
# Publishes branch to remote server.

$ git unpublish <branch>
# Removes branch from remote server.

$ git harvest <branch>
# Auto-merge/rebase commits from given branch.

$ git sprout <branch>
# Sprout a new branch from the current branch.

$ git graft <branch>
# Merge unpublished branch into current branch, then remove it.

$ git branches
# Nice & pretty list of branches + publication status.

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Sway - as a snap reaches alpha state