A Human-Friendly Git Workflow

A Human-Friendly Git Workflow

Managing Git can be simpler and more intuitive with a streamlined workflow. Below is a guide to using a human-friendly Git toolkit to make common tasks easier and faster:

Key Commands

  • Switch branches:
    git switch <branch>
    Quickly switch to another branch. Any unstaged changes are automatically stashed and restored afterward.

  • Synchronize branches:
    git sync
    Brings the current branch up to date by automatically merging or rebasing changes from the remote repository. Handles stashing and unstashing as needed.

  • Publish a branch:
    git publish <branch>
    Push your branch to the remote server, making it available to others.

  • Unpublish a branch:
    git unpublish <branch>
    Remove a branch from the remote server.

  • Harvest changes:
    git harvest <branch>
    Automatically merge or rebase commits from another branch into the current branch.

  • Create a new branch:
    git sprout <branch>
    Start a new branch based on your current branch.

  • Merge and clean up:
    git graft <branch>
    Merge an unpublished branch into your current branch and then delete it to keep things tidy.

  • View branches:
    git branches
    Get a well-organized and readable list of all branches, including their publication status.


Check out the Git Legit project for more tools and documentation to simplify your Git experience.


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